Isn’t it time to give your bathroom a makeover?
Let’s talk about the room that we frequent the most in our homes. Whether we like it or not, it’s also the room in the house that most guests will visit too. More than likely, we get a little judgement depending on the state it’s in as well.
When I visit friends and need to use the facilities I, at least, am expecting the room to be clean and have toilet paper. Hit those two marks and I’m happy. I would say most people expect that. Although I think for a room we spend so much time in, we can step up our game and our expectations.
A little color in the right place can transform your bathroom into a beautiful tranquil retreat. Even darker colors in bathrooms that you would think would close off the room, and are often underused, can give the room a very classy and elegant vibe.
Bathrooms don’t have to be boring! The all white trend is over! Darker colors, and even vibrant wallpapers can make your restroom the star of the show!
All images here are just some of the images from our Ewing Painting Pinterest. I have these and more ideas on my Bathroom Colors board, feel free to check them out! I will be updating and adding more throughout the year and keep up with what’s new and trending.